How cryptocurrencies will change the world

How cryptocurrencies will change the world.

By now you’ve probably heard of Bitcoin. If you are young and internet savvy, or you keep up to date with the tech world, there’s a good chance you at least know what it is, even if you don’t understand how it works or why it’s important. But the rest of you may be completely clueless, as I was until recently.

Well, it’s time that you learn about Bitcoin, because Bitcoin (or something like it) will dramatically change the world and the way that we live.In fact, it already is. Stick around and I will tell you why.

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Why God must exist (and why He doesn’t)

The existence of God: why God must exist (and why He doesn't)

Most of us are aware that it’s impossible to prove to anyone that God does or does not exist. There is no smoking gun. For those that believe either way, it’s not because of incontrovertible scientific evidence. They are convinced it’s true because of what they’ve seen and felt and experienced. The best one can hope to do is present an impassioned or well-reasoned argument one way or the other.

So in that spirit, I present an argument for each side. Regardless of where you stand, I hope that you can see at least some merit in both points of view. This article is not intended to convince you of either argument, but to give you some insight into different points of view. I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

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How to get along with almost everyone and still have an opinion

How to get along with almost everyone and still have an opinion

If you’re an active person with an opinion, it’s almost impossible to avoid conflict. This is the 21st century. The world is connected. There’s nowhere left to hide. And that means you have to interact regularly with people who are different from you.

People are diverse. We like to eat different food, wear different clothes, listen to different music, watch different movies and read different books. We also differ on core beliefs, like religion, politics and philosophy, and even the mannerisms, thought processes and ways of acting and reacting that make up our personalities.

Naturally we form close friendships with people when we have a lot in common, and we minimize interactions when we have little in common. When we don’t share interests, beliefs or ideals with someone, we just don’t get them.

But often we have no choice. We have to interact with people we don’t get because they are colleagues, bosses, classmates, neighbors, or family. Or maybe we are just stuck sitting next to them on an airplane and they want to talk.

Some of these people rub you the wrong way and conflict seems unavoidable. Sure, you can probably get along with them if you keep your head down and your mouth shut and pretend to agree with everything they say. But who wants to do that?

If you do that often enough it will destroy your personality and your soul. It will fill you with resentment and frustration. You will become a hollow, subservient doormat or you will explode with rage and do something you will regret.

Is it possible to get along with these people without losing your personality and opinions in the process?

You won’t get along with everyone all the time. If you are an active and assertive person, you will get into disagreements once in a while. This is healthy and normal. But if you minimize unnecessary disagreements and control the backlash when they do occur, you can get along with most people most of the time.  To do this you will need to utilize certain key traits. Continue reading

How we use chaos theory to predict the future (and why we still get it wrong)

How we use chaos theory to predict the future (and why we still get it wrong)

Do you ever shake your head and curse the weatherperson as the weather does the opposite of what they predicted again? You planned your vacation for this weekend because it was supposed to be sunny and warm, but instead it poured rain the whole time.

Why does that keep happening? Why do they keep getting it wrong?

That’s chaos at work.

It’s not the fault of the weatherperson.

The true wonder is not how often they predict the weather wrong, but how often they get it right.

The weather is a chaotic system, and chaotic systems are unpredictable. But thanks to a fascinating thing called chaos theory, we’ve figured out how to predict them anyway.

Don’t worry, I’ll explain. Continue reading

Assumptions of science: 5 reasons you should be skeptical

Assumptions of science: 5 reasons you should be skeptical.

Science is the most successful knowledge generating tool the world has ever seen. It has majorly impacted the lives of almost everyone on earth. But most people trust, and even use this tool daily, without fully understanding it.

Science is an invented tool, not a fundamental aspect of nature. Yet even the majority of scientists are unaware of its limitations.

In this article I will explain some of those limitations. I will tell you about 5 important assumptions of science. Continue reading

The true history of science and religion, part 1: Galileo

The true history of science and religion, part 1: Galileo

There is a popular myth that science and religion are at odds and have been throughout history. Maybe you were even taught this myth at school.

I’m sure you’ve heard of Galileo Galilei. He’s that famous 17th century scientist who tried to convince everyone that the Earth revolves around the sun. Then the Catholic Church demonized and imprisoned him for his troubles. Or so the story goes.

It’s not true. At least, not entirely.

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The old man on the bench

The old man on the bench

The old man on the bench is a flash fiction story I wrote a few years ago. It is about the importance of human connection and understanding. I decided to post it here because I think it fits in well with the theme of this blog.



Every morning old Jeremiah Stuart took his coffee mug and his cardboard sign down to the park bench. He placed the sign on the bench next to him and sipped his coffee, waiting.


No one did.

Every evening old Jeremiah Stuart picked up his sign and his coffee mug full of change and returned to his million-dollar apartment, where he ate dinner alone and went to bed alone. Continue reading

How to use your empathy superpower to heal the world

How to use your empathy superpower to heal the world

Did you know that you have a superpower? Yes, you. It may not be as sexy as flying or superspeed, but it’s much more practical because you can use it without creating a secret identity or landing on the front page of the newspaper.

Would you like to know how you can use it to heal the world?

Then read on…

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What is this blog about?

What is this blog about

So you’ve landed on my blog somehow and now you’re wondering, what the heck is this blog about anyway? Why does it even exist?

I’ll get to that in a minute, but first let me address a more important question.

Is this blog for you?

I can answer that if you answer a few questions.

Do you like to learn new and interesting things that could change the way that you think?

Are you skeptical of everything, even science?

Are you open-minded and willing to accept that maybe not everything you know is correct?

Do you like to engage in interesting discussions about topics that most people know little about?

Are you sick of wars and hatred and violence and pointless arguments?

Do you believe that everyone can help to change the world if they really want to?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, this blog might be for you. If you answered yes to all of the above questions, this blog is definitely for you! Continue reading